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Trail Running Championships

Zentri is very excited to anounce that I and the Professor will be covering the National Trail Running Championships in Huntsville, TX on Feb. 4. We will be getting audio AND video from the course of this 100 and 50 mile race. The biggest names in distance running will be there and we will be there to bring it all to you! Here is the link to the website -



Trashy Bikes and Fast Women

Hey, Tri-studs! I have another long show for you, most of it being a bike ride with some of my tri buddies. (Click here to listen) During the ride I promise to give you some links, so here they are: Gulfman Triathlon and Texas recumbent bikes. Ok, I didn't talk about the recumbents during the bike ride; I just found it today.

Anyway, I rode with my new adjustable stem angled up so I could be more comfortable in the aero position. What's so cool is that I can easily tweak it until I get it just the way I want it, then buy a solid one if I want. Nice. NICE! Here's some pics of it and they're also imbedded in the mp3. Still, it's become obvious that my bike frame is too small for me and I need a larger one. You listening, Javelin?

Scott sent me a great email about snowshoeing and how the show has helped him, so I asked him to send me an audio clip that I can play in the show. He's making it now, but here's the text while we wait:

"I wanted to mention a nice cross training activity for people living upnorth in the winter. I was up in Canada (Mont Tremblant) skiing with mygirlfriend and decided to spend one day in the national park snowshoeing.It was absolutely beautiful and a nice workout. We snowshoed 4.5 miles witha 300 meter elevation gain. There was no problem keeping warm even in 5degree weather. I used the Garmin 301 (bought on your recommendation) to keep track of distance and make sure I didn't get lost in the woods!"

Thanks, Scott! It's more input like yours that I'm wanting to put on the show in audio form. Send Mp3 or wav files to texafornia at

Lastly, Aggieland Cycling is giving us a Bento Box to give away on the show. You can see a picture of one in the pictures of my bike, just behind the stem. They are truly awesome and utilitarian. Be the 5th caller at 512-CRY-FDIC to leave a message saying what is your favorite aspect of Zen and the Art of Triathlon and you get it! You have to be in the USA and speak your mind in two minutes or less, ok? Cool. Audio will be played on the show, so speak clearly! It's so easy to do and you'll feel great after you did.

Make sure you listen for the very end of the podcast. It's what road riding is all about...


Colonic Contemplations (Worst Episode Ever!)

Wow. I got so caught up making my next show, I forgot to post a blog entry for this one. (Click here to listen) Everything in my medical procedure worked out fine, by the way. Podcasts are a slice of life, and you can tell how irritable I was getting at the end of this one because I was so hungry. Emily came home around 1 pm and saved me with lots of goodies I was allowed to eat. I've got a pretty good show in the works, so here's the link I promised you and I'm going to move on.

Slow Life in Japan -,70013-0.html?tw=wn_tophead_11



This episode is extra phatty with chronic audio of all sorts of triathlon-related subjects. (Click here to listen) We have a rant from Cav about being a freak, audio from runs in Kingwood and Clear Lake Shores, TX (map pictured below), an interview with a NYC triathlete about S&S couplers for your bike, a rain-soaked attempt at GPSing a new 5k run course, a chat between Prof. Erich and I about lots of sports stuff, and probably something else I've forgotten already. It's an extra long show, but you've waited a long time and deserve it.

Cav has surpassed the $450 target, so now I'm leaving the button up just for listeners to support him as our sponsored racer, regardless of the event. I'll post the names and amounts of the latest donations soon, terrible nicknames free of charge.

Luke gets this show a full day before the rest of you poor saps because he won the Easter Egg contest, so he's probably out on his run, listening and laughing at the rest of you, laughing and running, running and laughing. He surely deserves whatever flack you send his way.


Floating Apples

Just checking in for those listeners wondering what's going down. Emily and I are spending the night on a boat in Galveston Bay tonight, recording a podcast as we run at locations around Houston. I think WiFi has become ubiquitous when you can pirate it in a marina. Maybe we should run up the Jolly Roger. Next show will also have audio from Australia and NYC. and probably some buddies and I setting up a 5k run course. Will most likely release it on Tuesday. News Flash: Looks like Apple will actually be making their own phone. I guess they'll take the lead on developing a truly usable all-in-one device.

Hell yeah, we should have a logo design contest. I had one a long time ago, but it never took off. Now we have a ton more listeners and some real demand. Any prize ideas?

-Tenacious B.