Trail Running Championships

Zentri is very excited to anounce that I and the Professor will be covering the National Trail Running Championships in Huntsville, TX on Feb. 4. We will be getting audio AND video from the course of this 100 and 50 mile race. The biggest names in distance running will be there and we will be there to bring it all to you! Here is the link to the website -
Reader Comments (16)
Nice, can't wait to hear it.
I couldn't figure out how to email you on your site, but I saw a small rockclimbing wall on that someone in College Station is giving away. I have listened to your podcast for awhile so I know you do a little climbing. Thought I would throw you a line. Here is the link
Peace, Dan
For those of you who would like sample swim workouts that take about 70 minutes to complete (which you can shorten if desired--the yardage is around 3,400 per workout), you might be interested to know that my Masters swim coach just started a blog where he's posting the workouts that he gives us. He's the Sunday & Monday coach, so he'll typically post about 2 workouts per week. Check him out here:
This might be a dumb quiestion, but what is Erich a Professor of?
I thought about this question long and hard and decided yes, this is a dumb question. No, seriously, I went and found the Professor in his lab and posed him your query. He said that he's a Phd. of Webology with a specialty in Internetistics and then hurried me out of the lab because he was reprogramming the Tri-borg 5000 and needed quiet. Rest assured that he is the guy on your deserted island that will make a tri-bike out of two coconuts and a shark fin. He's great at fabrication, electronics, and all things geeky.
Dude... you're all over my podcasts! Endurance Radio, Runcast Weekly... where are you going next! Nice interviews and good talking to you last week!
For those of you who have a Garmin Forerunner and use Google Earth. Go to the link below to get a utility that will take your Garmin Workout history and convert it to a format that Google Earth will accept. You'll be able to see you training on various satellite images. Here's the link:
Well, the above link didn't work... If you want the utility, go to Google and search for the following phrase: "Display Data from Garmin Forerunner 301 in Google Earth."
It will direct you to a utility that a programmer made to take your Garmin history and show it on Google Earth. Analysis-geeks like me think that it's really cool!
Our club has two members running the 100 Miler, Dalton Pulsipher (who will be running his 10th straight -- only 28) and Rick Cook, a rookie. There's a pre-race interview on our club blog,
I ran the 100 mile race. It went amazing. I was wondering when you are going to have the audio/video up.
Congratulations on the race! I did something with this race that I'll never do again - recorded the entire thing. I'm having to spend forever going through it to pick out what to put in the show. Right now, I'm estimating I'll have it done by tomorrow or Friday night. Thanks for asking!
Oh, and that's just the audio. Erich is doing the video and he's going to start on it this weekend.
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