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Colonic Contemplations (Worst Episode Ever!)

Wow. I got so caught up making my next show, I forgot to post a blog entry for this one. (Click here to listen) Everything in my medical procedure worked out fine, by the way. Podcasts are a slice of life, and you can tell how irritable I was getting at the end of this one because I was so hungry. Emily came home around 1 pm and saved me with lots of goodies I was allowed to eat. I've got a pretty good show in the works, so here's the link I promised you and I'm going to move on.

Slow Life in Japan -,70013-0.html?tw=wn_tophead_11

Reader Comments (5)

Loved Colonic Contemplation, hope all went well. Thanks for the mention pity Helps with the Training and spring is starting to arrive as it now gets dark at 4.30 instead of 4.00pm. Good to talk candidly about such things and let folk know that it not the end of the world, I think Colonic Cancer is up there with Prostate problems and Testicular Cancer, most men won’t talk about it. Perhaps a Cast on the impact of Triathlon on health would be good. As we all know that spending time in the saddle is great for Heart lungs and stuff but its not so great for other stuff. Perhaps and interview with a sports MD would be great. I know a lot of guys who suffer from everything from chronic saddle sores to Testicular cancer to piles. You name it these guys have had it. And it only comes out after a couple of beers. You here comments like “you to I thought it was just me”
All the Best Kevin.

January 24, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Hey Bret,

I had to laugh outloud while driving and listening to "Colonic Contemplations". I felt sorry for you, but the worse you felt, the more you talked about food, then you felt worse yet! Too funny. Hope it all worked out. Going tolisten to fast bikes & trashy women on the way to the gym! Keep up the GREAT work.

January 24, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermock

Hmm... I should keep that in mind. An interview with a Sports MD that's familiar with triathletes would be interesting. I'd like to hear numbers on how much he/she sees particular injuries.

January 25, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterbrett

It's great that you got checked out. I have a friend who did three triathlons last year. In the third triathlon, he got severe cramps. It turned out to be colon cancer. He's got about 1 to 2 years. He's 48; so he hadn't been tested. He had no symptoms before the pain. Another friend who is 52 went in for a colonoscopy and they took out a polyp. Bad news and good. The bad was that he has cancer, the good is that they think they got it all.

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