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Go Cav! Update

Ok, we're getting really close. $8 more bucks gives us the $450 for Cav to make it to Ironman Australia. To be honest, paypal takes a tiny percentage off the top, so any little bit extra covers the $25 or so bucks for transfer charges. Convenience costs! Either way, this has been a huge success and has amazed everybody involved. Here's the chart (Yes, I realize it's ugly as hell. We're cheap here at the Go Cav! foundation) and the names of the latest donors:

Drew "Starbuck" - Cav's next to last mile
Rippin' Roberto - support cav's ironman bid
Jeffery (AKA CAV the original flava AKA C-Unit AKA Dugan Fife) - Go Cav
"Totally Aero" Kevin - Cav down under

Cav, I'll send you the money when I get a few more minutes. Probably this weekend.


Andrea Fisher Interview Part 2

Prof. Erich and I conducted our second interview with professional triathlete Andrea Fisher this Sunday and you can get the audio here. It was a great conversation with a relaxed tone, allowing us to discuss all kinds of topics; from heart rate monitors to bike frame materials. We discussed triathlon and other hobbies for a total of 45 minutes!

I also mentioned that Garmin has just released the 305. If you were planning on buying the 201 or 301, better hold off and check the 305 out here.

Next show will include audio from a caller in NYC about a special bike adapter for traveling, Erich and I talking about our surf trip, and news of a possible second Zentri TV episode about Javelin bikes.

If you look hard enough, you might find the Easter Egg hidden in the show. You'll know when you find it. Make sure to post a comment and claim it first! Also, if this is your first time listening to the show, you can subscribe to the show permanently through iTunes (link to your right) or through other software. Just ask how!


Go Cav! Update

Great News! The Go Cav! fund is now at $390. There is still plenty of time to donate and don't forget that you can leave your own message for him when you donate. Below are the names and messages of the wonderful triathletes and friends who have donated so far. If you don't want me to generate a nickname for you, provide your own.

Jammin' Jeffrey - Go Cav!
Tom S. (the "S" stands for Speed) - Go Cav Go!
Too Fast Todd S. - Cav - IM A. Good Luck!
"Don't Pet the Pavement" Pat - CAV-good luck Matt -We love ya! Pat and Dave
Dianna the Dominator - CAV-have a safe and fast race
Stormin' Norman - Go Cav!
D.W. "I love Fig Newtons" Johnson - Go Cav!
Drew H. (is he in the Hincappi family?) - CAV!
Brian "Vitamin K" K. - Cav in the Aussi Ironman! Way to go mate & good luck!
Paul "Pantani" R. - GO CAV
Edward "Eddie would go" (Google it) H. - Go Cav
Heidi "There is no H in Seattle" H. - Go Cav donation from Heidi
Jim "Vicarious Man" S. - Cav going to Ironman Australia. Congrats man! I'm living vicariously through you!
John B. - go cav - all the best
Donald "got the pump like Donald Trump" M. - Cav's Australian Ironman Fund


Commute Ride

Click here to listen to my bike commute home, which at times gets pretty sketchy. These pictures are of an audio mixer Prof. Erich built to allow us to use two mics while we interview Andrea Fisher this weekend. I include audio from both Cav and his girlfriend while I ride. He talks about the impacts of caffeine while training and she tells us how to maximize your potential of being a spectator at a race.

Erich and I are prepping for our interview with Andrea on Sunday evening. If you have any questions you want us to ask, post them in the comment section as soon as possible! Erich got part of his inspiration for the mixer he made from a project we saw on a dorkbot meeting's notes about Tristen Perich's one bit music project, where Tristen made a completely self powered album from within a clear music case. The links are nerdy-cool and here's some pics of Tristen's project. We checked out his music a while back and it was very interesting. The music at the end is actually a recording of me playing my ratty guitar with rusty strings. Thought it sounded nice...


6 Mile Dub

Happy New Year, Tri-geeks! I went on a 6 mile barefoot run and recorded a podcast while enjoying the perfect weather, playing six "dubbish" songs along the way. Nothing major to report, but here's the playlist. All songs came from the Podsafe Music Network:

Latin Groove : a.b.e. (Anthems of a Bygone Era)
Babylon System : Power Steppers)
mince meat : Dangerdoom)
I am not afraid : Majek Fashek
Gates of Dub : Power Steppers
Search for Zen : Mangomad

Speaking of playlists, does anybody know why podcasts downloaded by Doppler or Nimiq would show up twice in the playlist in iTunes or WMP?