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The Push-Running Secret Revealed. P90X Prep Done Easy.

So, you are thinking about trying out P90X?  That's some hard core stuff, yo.  Lucky for you, I've got a workout that will make you totally ready.  Do this several times a week for a few weeks and P90X will seem like fun!

First, you need a pull up bar.  These are cheap.  Go get one that mounts in your door for $100 bucks or less and you're set.  No other equipment is needed except a wristwatch.

  1. Do a set up pull ups.  As many as you can do.  Then do a set of push ups, almost as many as you can do.  Then do a set of squats, as many as you can do, like in this video - 
  2. Be sure you switch between all of these as fast as possible.  It's the speed of transition that really makes this stuff effective.  They like to call it "muscle confusion."  Really, it's just "making a freakin' effort, already."
  3. Once you're done, immediately pop off into an hour run.  Plan on running two laps of 30 minutes, swinging back by the pull up bar every half hour.  And that's not all.  This is about to get serious.
  4. Every 10 minutes on your run, stop, do as many speed squats as you can do, and then do another set of push ups.
  5. At minutes 30 and 60, do another set of pull ups mixed in with your push ups and squats.

When all is done and said, you've done around 100 push ups, 10 to 20 pull ups, and 100 squats all mixed in with an hour run.  You. will. feel. like. an. animal.  Welcome to the zoo.

What this does - P90X really works.  And so does CrossFit.  This workout takes the best of those types of workouts and rams it into an hour run for some real results.  All those push ups builds tremendous overall core strength.  The pull ups will make swimming feel like flying.  The squats will make long runs seem like a dream.  You will get toned, lean, and muscled FAST.


Reader Comments (7)

Check out I just started doing this routine on my non running days, because I am not a stud like YOU! :) Also, I am still to weak(fat) to do pull ups. So I cheat by jumping up and letting myself down slowly (3-5 sec). Still kicks my butt!!

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterfifthcircle

Bouncing Round the Room - PHISH! Classic soundtrack. Great viddy. Thanks for sharing.

February 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzenrunner

Freekin' cool vid. But the speed squats look like they've had too much Hornet Juice.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTri Daddy

That just sounds awesome...who Needs P90X when we got TEXAFORNIA!!!!!!

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShawn'n'RI

AHHHH Tex you know I love that stuff,,,,,,,,,,,,,Was this my Valentines Day gift?

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDREW

Awesome workout. I did not do the pullups this time, but did 65 speed squats and 60 pushups and 4.1mi run in 45 minutes. I will have to work up to the full hour and beyond. BTW my legs feel like jello. I like it.

February 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertrijon

I started incorporating those squats in my training. All I can say is.... "My a$$ really hurts"....

February 20, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter@scottsteff

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